Thursday, May 24, 2012

Romancing in the Past ..

     She was sitting on a mountain to dream high,
With a desire to shine and touch the sky,
She had the vision to make him hers,
Silent tone, and peaceful blurs..

She conferred with him, remembering the times,
Sharing the joys, pennies and dimes,
It was something about the couple,
They had their own secrets, yet were social..

The romance was alive in and out,
The never ending love existed throughout,
The love should be like that,
Romancing in the Past,
In the dreams of just 'one'...

The love story never ended,
Infact their times became the memories of her's,
Her lover had faded, without her notice,
Yet she romanced in the past,
Had no future, just the past..


© Latika Sareen
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Latika,
    Lovely Poem.
    Yes, we all romance in the past (especially when there is no romance in the present)
    Keep Writing and Blogging
