I have been in love. Intense love. Immense love. I am anticipating that he feels the same. Likewise.
He- whom I dream of, in terms of music; lyrics; passion; bitterness; flame; delight and what not else...
Ask me if I could lay down and chant one name - "I would".
I quote myself to him, relating and communicating in every tiny possible way, to leave nothing pending.
He is far. Yet he is mine. I say, oh I sense.
We are compatible. Forget the looks. Our taste is similar, and so is our ideologies.
Enough time has elapsed. We still hold the same status of hookup. Ask me what don't I like about him, I would list a few. Ask me what I do - "The rest would be written on dew".
Some intimate sensations cultivating in me whisper -
"Gazing at him, makes me yearn,
Lightning my body, blossom burns,
The love cultivation which grows common,
Loving his image, enclosing the conviction..
I would die, and make love to him forever,
The poised postures, our moaning together
His touch makes me feel the sensation grown
The sole beauty whom I own
The taste of his lips;
His aura distinguished;
I feel it near;
Whispering bewitched
I feel the love he professed
Steamy, arousing,
That he compressed..."
After all the enticement we have had through the years; all I now feel is that "I am yours".
The property you charged me as, freely be yours.
The only left now is to taste the chosen 'you', to get a little more closer to you, in terms of everything..
I have not anticipated my next birth, but in this life, You Will Remain Mine From Any Distance !!
And, I will always have a right on you, you yourself can't even tell me to stop it. Because, you are in love..
Even though I wish you were here, your scent is still I savor; remembering just the good we have had between each other. A kiss which is yet to be lingered... The love which I yet have to make you cherish on; think upon.
I love you with all my thoughts and beyond my expectations.. I owe u, me!
With Extreme Love -
Your other half .. :*
He- whom I dream of, in terms of music; lyrics; passion; bitterness; flame; delight and what not else...
Ask me if I could lay down and chant one name - "I would".
I quote myself to him, relating and communicating in every tiny possible way, to leave nothing pending.
He is far. Yet he is mine. I say, oh I sense.
We are compatible. Forget the looks. Our taste is similar, and so is our ideologies.
Enough time has elapsed. We still hold the same status of hookup. Ask me what don't I like about him, I would list a few. Ask me what I do - "The rest would be written on dew".
Some intimate sensations cultivating in me whisper -
"Gazing at him, makes me yearn,
Lightning my body, blossom burns,
The love cultivation which grows common,
Loving his image, enclosing the conviction..
I would die, and make love to him forever,
The poised postures, our moaning together
His touch makes me feel the sensation grown
The sole beauty whom I own
The taste of his lips;
His aura distinguished;
I feel it near;
Whispering bewitched
I feel the love he professed
That he compressed..."
After all the enticement we have had through the years; all I now feel is that "I am yours".
The property you charged me as, freely be yours.
The only left now is to taste the chosen 'you', to get a little more closer to you, in terms of everything..
I have not anticipated my next birth, but in this life, You Will Remain Mine From Any Distance !!
And, I will always have a right on you, you yourself can't even tell me to stop it. Because, you are in love..
Even though I wish you were here, your scent is still I savor; remembering just the good we have had between each other. A kiss which is yet to be lingered... The love which I yet have to make you cherish on; think upon.
I love you with all my thoughts and beyond my expectations.. I owe u, me!
With Extreme Love -
Your other half .. :*
© Latika Sareen
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